[mkdf_section_title title=”Conferences” title_color=”” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”” margin_bottom=”” title_size=””]

Essentially, a conference is a very large gathering. Conferences may run from a few hours to several days and include anywhere from a few to hundreds of participants. Conferences, like incentives, may take various forms depending on the group planning them and the field they serve.

The following are all common in conferences but not limited to:

[mkdf_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-angle-double-right” title_font_weight=”400″ title_font_family=”default-font-family” icon_size=”15″ title=”Panels: Panels are meetings in which a group of specialists delivers their findings and opinions on a particular issue. A moderator acts as the event’s question-asker, keeps things moving smoothly, and may even field questions from the crowd.” title_size=”16″ title_line_height=”28″ space_title_and_icon=”20px”][mkdf_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-angle-double-right” title_font_weight=”400″ title_font_family=”default-font-family” icon_size=”15″ title=”Presentations: At a corporate conference, upper-level executives may give presentations detailing recent achievements and financial outcomes. Speakers at public business conferences are often invited by thought leaders who may shed light on the latest developments. Visual aids such as slides, props, and videos are often used in presentations.” title_size=”16″ title_line_height=”28″ space_title_and_icon=”20px”][mkdf_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-angle-double-right” title_font_weight=”400″ title_font_family=”default-font-family” icon_size=”15″ title=”Speeches: Speeches often called keynote addresses, are commonly given at the outset and close of conferences. It is fairly uncommon for the host or organizer to begin by formally greeting and thanking the guests for their presence. On other occasions, a prominent figure in the field may speak out on a pressing topic and provide suggestions for moving forward.” title_size=”16″ title_line_height=”28″ space_title_and_icon=”20px”][mkdf_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-angle-double-right” title_font_weight=”400″ title_font_family=”default-font-family” icon_size=”15″ title=”Discussions: They might participate in a panel discussion. A small group discusses a subject while the rest of the audience observes and takes notes. It is not uncommon for event planners to assign guests to smaller discussion groups to stimulate more robust discussions.” title_size=”16″ title_line_height=”28″ space_title_and_icon=”20px”][mkdf_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-angle-double-right” title_font_weight=”400″ title_font_family=”default-font-family” icon_size=”15″ title=”Workshops: In a workshop, a small group works together to solve a problem or conduct research on a particular subject. Participants will benefit greatly from the opportunity for active participation in this method’s learning process.” title_size=”16″ title_line_height=”28″ space_title_and_icon=”20px”]

Although conferences may serve various functions, one common goal is to confront and resolve issues plaguing a particular company or sector. That includes disseminating recent findings and research findings. Team-building exercises and social gatherings are also welcome.

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Siti Rohaizan

Tour Manager

Izzuddin Safri

Sales Executive

If you have any questions about this deal, please don’t hesitate to contact
us. Usually, we’ll get back to you within two business days.
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