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[mkdf_section_title title=”Group Series Departure Packages” title_color=”” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”center” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”][mkdf_section_subtitle color=”” text_align=”center” text=”Selamatbercuti.com offers over 50 Group Departure Packages. Choose a vacation package that suits your favorite destination & season!” width=”76″]
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[mkdf_section_title title=”Tour Packages” title_color=”” title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”center” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”][mkdf_section_subtitle color=”” text_align=”center” text=”Selamatbercuti.com offers over 200 ready-made ground packages.
We can customize all packages according to flight time, hotel choice, holiday theme & number of customers. We can also arrange group vacations, incentive trips, student tours, & MICE Arrangements.” width=”76″]

Planned FIT tours

Private Group

Incentive Trip / Technical Visit

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[mkdf_section_title title=”About selamatbercuti.com” title_color=”” title_text_transform=”none” title_text_align=”center” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”]

Selamatbercuti.com is the branding of a wholly Bumiputera-owned Travel Agency registered under Wan Vacation Sdn Bhd. This company was established on 3 March 2010 and is a Licensed Travel Agency under the Ministry Of Tourism, Arts And Culture (MOTAC), Malaysian Association Of Tour & Travel Agents (MATTA), International Air Trans- port Association (IATA), Association Malaysian Bumiputera Tourism Management Company (BUMITRA), Umrah & Hajj Travel Agency Asso- ciation (PAPUH), Ministry Of Finance (Lesen Kewangan) & Akuan Pendaftaran Syarikat Bumiputera.

Selamatbercuti.com offers Domestic & International Muslim Travel Packages, Group Packages, Family Vacation Packages (Private Tours), Incentive Trips, Company Trips, Technical Visits, Student Trips, and others. selamatbercuti.com also offers flight ticket ser- vices, including regular flight ticket booking, Waran Penerbangan Udara, Corporate Tickets, group flight tickets, and special fare tick- ets for foreign workers & students (student tickets). In addition, we also provide special chartered bus transportation services, tourist visas & even travel insurance.

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Private Tour

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